The Green Lama is a classic comic book character who first emerged in the Golden Age of Comics. Created by writer/editor Kendell Foster Crossen, the Green Lama made his debut in "Double Detective" #1 in 1940, published by Crestwood Publications. Jethro Dumont, a wealthy New York City resident and Tibetologist, is the secret identity of the Green Lama. Endowed with mystical powers acquired during his travels in Tibet, Dumont dons a green robe and turban to fight crime and injustice. Unlike many other superheroes of his time, the Green Lama's powers were rooted in Eastern mysticism, allowing him to heal, project illusions, and possess superhuman strength. The character gained popularity for his unique blend of superhero elements and spiritual mystique. The Green Lama's adventures continued for a brief but impactful period, contributing to the rich tapestry of the Golden Age of Comics. Today, the Green Lama remains a nostalgic and cherished figure among comic book enthusiasts, showcasing the diversity of superhero storytelling during the early years of the medium.