Secret Mysteries/Tense Suspense - Volume 1 - Trade Paperback Edition
I mean, c’mon! The original copies of these comics will have been swapped a hundred-fold or sold for pennies when the recess bell sounded in the magical long-ago frightful freakin’ fab’n’ fantastic fifties schoolyards. And now you can pick ‘em up for peanuts. Go get, ‘em folks. I’m coming over all wistful so you’ll have to excuse me . . . it starts good and just keeps right on gettin’ gooder. Featuring the talents of Myron Fass, Marty Elkin, Edvard Moritz, Bill Allison, Tony Tallarico and the wonderful Dick Ayers.
But then it’s PS Artbooks, you warriors, so get with the program and get your copy today!